Francis Toal MBA, M.S. APCC# 13630 (He/Him)
“You can never solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created the problem in the first place” ~ Albert Einstein There are times in our lives when we all struggle with fear, distress, sadness, and pain of one kind or another. Often, one feels helpless with a feeling of nowhere to turn but contacting a therapist, while maybe difficult, can bring some peace to a troubled soul. Whether you are struggling with acute trauma or simply feeling challenged by facets of everyday life, we all occasionally long for empathy and guidance. Loss, depression/anxiety, addiction, even normal life transitional issues can leave us feeling powerless, frightened, and lonely. Often, we hesitate to share these feelings with friends or loved ones for fear of being a burden or worse, being judged.
Therapy can provide a safe and nurturing environment where one can share fears and struggles without judgment, a supportive place to resolve and cope with life’s challenges. Having the courage to take on this challenge has the potential for healing, growth, inner peace, and happiness. Give yourself that gift. It is my goal to provide a respectful, empathic, and nurturing environment in which my clients gain an understanding and appreciation of their strengths, abilities, and discover their potential for self-fulfillment Francis Toal is supervised by Stephen Polin, LMFT #7861 |
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